Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 9.10



XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="" version="1.0.0">

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">

      This contribution is the default contribution for automation properties.

      Here are more details about some of them:
          <strong></strong>: properties are expected to be of the form "key=value". You may wish to trim the potential spaces around value (e.g.: "key = value", will result in "value" and not " value").
          <strong>nuxeo.automation.export.aliases</strong>: if true, add an operation documentation for each alias of a given operation.
          Mainly to be backward compatible with old Java Automation client.
          <strong>nuxeo.automation.allowVirtualUser</strong>: define whether virtual user (non-existent user) is allowed
          in Nuxeo automation. If allowed, Nuxeo server will not check the user existence during automation execution.
          Set this property to true if you use Nuxeo computed user or computed group.

      @since 8.2

    <property name="">false</property>

    <property name="nuxeo.automation.export.aliases">false</property>

    <property name="nuxeo.automation.allowVirtualUser">false</property>

